News at Buckley

March DEI Symposium: How to FITE Sexism

Did you know that women couldn’t open credit cards until 1974? This month, Middle School teachers Emily Boudreau and Andrew Kaila collaborated with Upper School students in FITE (Feminists Insisting on Total Equality) Club to deliver a presentation on feminism, gender identity, and consent to the Middle School on March 16. 

“The collaboration with Upper School FITE Club members also helped us understand what they felt was missing when they were in Middle School so that we could develop an engaging assembly,” says faculty member Andrew Kaila. 

To kick off the meeting, Kaila and Boudreau handed the mic to FITE Club president Ellie A. and officers Harley T., Edvina E., and Cora B., who started the meeting with an activity. Middle School students engaged in an activity that asked them to raise their hand if they ever:
  1. Watched an NBA game 
  2. Watched a WNBA game 
  3. Cried at school 
  4. Wore makeup 
  5. Lifted weights 
  6. Heard a comment made about physical appearance 
  7. Asked someone to “Stop!” more than once
The second part of the assembly focused on the topic of consent. 

“The topics covered in the assembly are important to discuss at any age!” said English teacher Boudreau. “Talking about establishing boundaries helps establish respect and builds a foundation for more complex relationships later in life.” 

“Because so much of a young person’s social life is conducted across social media, it’s really easy to hear about and find models of relationships from unreliable sources,” she added. “Addressing the way these things shape our lives and our perceptions of each other is key at this age.” 

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