The Buckley School is a dynamic1, nurturing2 learning community committed to equity and inclusion3. Our innovative teachers and challenging programs4 inspire creativity5, courage6, and collaboration7. By promoting a balanced development of mind, body, and character8, we encourage each student to find joy and meaning in life and make an impact in the world9.
1dynamic. Dynamic is defined as something characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. We chose this word alluding to both our founding, as a response to what was needed in education per Isabelle Buckley's opinion, and to our current practices of updating program to meet today’s unique challenges. (Faculty and staff, Senior Academic Team, Strategic Positioning Committee)
2 nurturing. Isabelle Buckley exhorts during a 1960s interview “Believe in your child!” (Isabelle Buckley, Art & Science research findings, Strategic Positioning Committee)
3 equity and inclusion. We have a long history of equity and inclusion. In her book College Begins at Two, Isabelle Buckley states: “The Isabelle Buckley Schools welcome all children,” page 7. Our most recent Strategic Plan, adopted in 2010, makes this area one of four major areas to develop. (Strategic Positioning Committee, faculty and staff, Art & Science research findings)
4 challenging programs. Our academic program scores high marks throughout constituencies. (Faculty and staff input, Art & Science research findings)
5 creativity. In 1932, the Isabelle Buckley Plan of Education charted a course with the ultimate goal of "self-expression through self-discipline." (Faculty and staff input, Art & Science research findings).
6 courage. From College Begins at Two: “If I were asked what is the greatest heritage we could instill in our children, I would say, after years of talking with parents and children, observing and following their lives, give them courage,” page 137. (Isabelle Buckley's College Begins at Two, Senior Academic Team, Art & Science research allusions)
7 collaboration. Collaboration is a skill students must practice and learn for success in college, and a major component of team sports, performing arts groups and extra-curricular activities.
8 mind, body, and character. This references our 4-Fold Plan. (Isabelle Buckley, Art & Science research findings, faculty, and staff input)
9 impact in the world. Our aspirational challenge to manifest both at Buckley and in the world. (Strategic Positioning Committee, Senior Academic Team).