The images above represent a selection of pieces that received Scholastic Art Awards. Click here for a full list of award winners, and click here to view more of the award-winning submissions!

Visual Arts Classes

List of 4 items.

  • Lower School Classes

    The Lower School Art Program exudes an enjoyable, safe atmosphere in which each child is able to feel supported in expressing ideas in the creation of two and of three-dimensional art work, including digital imagery and stop-action videos. Students are inspired by their own feelings, observations, and imaginations, as well as through the work of artists throughout history.
  • Middle School Classes

    See Buckley's Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.

    In Buckley visual arts classes, students are encouraged to explore individual, creative approaches to their art and to develop technical skills with a variety of media. The study of art history and modern concepts provide students with a cultural context of art.

    Courses include:
    Two Dimensional Art - drawing, painting, computer graphics, and photography
    Three Dimensional Art
    - ceramics, architecture, and sculpture
    Video Production
    - digital film making, editing, and sound design
  • Upper School Classes

    See Buckley's Curriculum Guide for detailed course descriptions.

    In Buckley visual arts classes, students are encouraged to explore individual, creative approaches to their art and to develop technical skills with a variety of media. The study of art history and modern concepts provide students with a cultural context of art. Class work includes studio time and may include field trips to museums, galleries, and artists’ studios.

    Courses include:
    FA097: Drawing and Painting I (Grades 9–12)
    FA098: Drawing and Painting II (Grades 9–12)
    FA202: Ceramics I (Grades 9–12)
    FA203: Ceramics II (Grades 9–12)
    FA204: Metal I (Grades 9–12)
    FA205: Metal II (Grades 9–12)
    FA206: Graphic Design I (Grades 9–12)
    FA207: Graphic Design II (Grades 9–12)
    FA099: Sculpture I (Grades 9–12)
    FA208: Photography I (Grades 9–12)
    FA209: Photography II (Grades 9–12)
    FA210: Video Production I (Grades 9–12)
    FA176: Video Production II (Grades 9–12)
    FA173: Video Production III (Grades 11–12)
    FA175: Film Studies (Grades 9–12)
    FA906: Advanced Studio Art (Grades 11–12)
    FA905: AP Studio Art: Drawing (Grades 10–12)
    FA903: AP Studio Art: 2D Design (Grades 10–12)
    FA904: AP Studio Art: 3D Design (Grades 10–12)
    SS193: Advanced Placement Art History (Grades 11–12)
  • Co-curricular

    Field trips to museums, galleries, and artist studios
    Sessions with visiting artists
    Studio time

Student Artwork

Art Facilities

Meet the Visual Arts Faculty

Visual Arts faculty (left to right): Sheila Swift, Christine Terry, Kristelle Pliez, Rama Hughes, Tim Lokiec

Visual Arts Awards

The Buckley School and our students are proud to be the recipients of the following arts awards:
The Drexel Photography High School Contest juried exhibition 
National Gold Scholastic Art Awards
 in photography and drawing
Creative Ticket Schools of Excellence Awards
 for California from the Kennedy Center for outstanding achievement in visual and performing arts education
Bravo Award from the Music Center for innovation and creativity in visual and performing arts education
Scholastic Art, National Silver Awards – in graphic design and printmaking
Scholastic Art Regional Awards – golds, silvers, and honorable mentions in drawing, painting, mixed-media, printmaking, video , ceramics, glass, jewelry, photography, graphic design, sculpture, computer art
Spotlight Awards from the Music Center – semi-finalist in photography, drawing
Shaped Clay – national ceramic exhibition at Syracuse University
National K12 Ceramic Exhibition

Visual Arts Programs

In recent years, our students have been accepted to the following art programs:
- School of Cinematic Arts
USC - Roski School of Art and Design
Rhode Island School of Design
California Institute of the Arts
Parsons School of Design

Pratt Institute
Chicago Art Institute
NYU - Tisch School of the Arts 
Chapman University