The Buckley Commitment was created by students in 1995 to guide the community in school-wide standards of behavior. These values are carved into the cement steps of the Commitment Courtyard and posted around campus. Students, families, faculty, staff, and the Board of Trustees commit to: Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, Kindness, Self-Reliance, and Self-Discipline.
We must be truthful and value honesty in all areas of school life, both inside and outside the classroom.
Because loyalty means commitment, we support the goals of the school and the efforts of its members.
We respect the rights, feelings, and possessions of others, just as we respect ourselves. We also respect authority and the rules by which we are expected to live.
Because we are committed to helping others, kindness is essential. We each need to empathize with others and help students and faculty in a caring, supportive manner.
A healthy community is one in which each member has the self-discipline and self-reliance necessary for independent thought and action, balanced by the support from the community when that support is needed.