News at Buckley

Firefighters Get a Taste of Commons!

When Buckley had to unexpectedly close school on Wednesday due to several raging fires in the Los Angeles area, Alan Razzaghi, owner of Fresh Lunches, our caterer at Commons, asked what he could do with all the food already bought and prepared.
Middle School head Neal Roden, who also serves as the business representative for Sherman Oaks Council District 4, sprang into action – and headed down to the Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Community Center. They did not have any evacuees at the time, but put him in touch with Terri Pond, the emergency command coordinator.
After a series of conference calls between Razzaghi, owner of Fresh Lunches, Buckley’s CFO Lisa Turchan, and Councilperson David Ryu’s office, the meals found a home at the evacuation center at the Veteran’s Administration in Westwood. By Wednesday night, 600 meals were being enjoyed by firefighters who were battling the Skirball fire, thanks to an amazing and impromptu collaborative effort.
Razzaghi and his wife and Fresh Lunches partner Winnie Tong continued the effort Thursday and Friday, with the help of Buckley volunteers, feeding more than 800 firefighters. They bought food in addition to the meals they already had for Buckley lunches, and provided the transportation and service. Buckley families volunteered to serve and donated food as well, while the Parents’ Association chipped in with 20 dozen bagels, as well as organizing a breakfast event on Friday.
Thank you to everyone for jumping in to help and for a job well done!

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