News at Buckley

Intersections of Identity Class Explores Gentrification in LA

Last week, the ninth grade Intersections of Identity classes embarked on the first part of a year-long exploration studying the impact of gentrification on the city of Los Angeles. The class, along with their chaperones, toured the city exploring identity, housing, and economic development in historic neighborhoods such as West Adams, Arts District, Little Tokyo, Skid Row and South LA.
The students will return in the spring, where they will partner with the Union Rescue Mission and serve the organization that works tirelessly to combat the city's increasing homeless population. The students will end the year with a culminating project in which they will present their research and solutions on LA gentrification, to representatives of the Mayor's office!

The Intersections of Identity course is led by Ralinda Watts, director of multiculturalism and inclusion, in collaboration with director of experiential and service learning, Abi Basch, through the center for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement.

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