News at Buckley

Have you seen the new Green Wall?

As part of Buckley’s ongoing efforts to promote environmental literacy and justice, Upper School students enrolled in Tipping Points, How to Save the Planet, and AP Environmental Studies gathered at the southern tip of the Academic and Performing Arts Building to construct what may likely be the first of many living green walls on campus.
With the help of a ladder, students planted root balls of white sage, lavender, rosemary, and other native plants into pouches in a black canvas tarp (think oversized hanging shoe organizer) and draped it against the wall beneath the Student Publications room. Plants likely to produce longer vines were placed at the top and shrubbier ones at the bottom. 

The Green Wall serves to offset carbon emissions from the vehicles idling during pick-up as well as to attract and provide habitat for native pollinators while helping to maintain biodiversity on campus.

“I was so impressed by these kids,” said Enjoli Ferrari, a Buckley consultant and certified arborist and earth advocate who helped with the green wall. “After planting the generational indigenous garden [in Lower School], they knew all about how to handle the roots, plant them, and which ones go where. They were great.”

Photo by Al Park.


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