News at Buckley

Griffitrons Compete in Regionals

by communications intern Zachary K. '24
With eight weekends spent on campus, 150 hours spent after school, and three competitions attended, the Buckley 1661 Griffitrons traveled to Port Hueneme, Orange County, and El Segundo to compete in the FIRST regional competitions.

The team was not able to make the playoffs at either the Port Hueneme or Orange County regionals but at the El Segundo Region, for the first time in years, the Griffitrons were captains of the eighth alliance. The playoffs consisted of eight alliances, each alliance containing three teams in a round-robin style bracket. 

This year was the first year that the Grifftrons used a CNC Milling machine, which allowed them to fully customize the parts on their robot. Using this, the team designed an entire gearbox for the robotic arm from scratch. 

“Coming from a team that is entirely student-run, it is rewarding to compete alongside teams who have extraordinarily large resources like federal funding,” said co-captain of the Griffitrons Paul Holschneider. 

Even though they were eliminated in playoffs, a bright future is ahead for Buckley’s Griffitrons!

Photo contributed by communications intern Zachary K.

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