News at Buckley

Sixth Grade Continues Ellis Island Simulation Tradition

“Interpreter!” shouted an Ellis Island immigration officer across the sea of immigrants.

Tyler H. hurried over to the station where Ellis Island officers were checking immigrants’ basic information. Wearing a neat gray suit and tie, he worked with the two incomer to translate their information to the officer.

Every year, as part of their anthropology curriculum, the sixth grade creates an Ellis Island simulation, where each student is assigned a detailed character to play.

Characters include doctors and nurses checking for transmittable illnesses, immigration officers asking questions about nationality, political involvement, and education levels, police officers detaining those who tried to escape quarantine, and immigrants themselves--nuns, couples, mothers with children, and anyone seeking a new life in America.
For years, the sixth grade teachers have been running the Ellis Island Simulation.

“As students take on the characters of early twentieth century immigrants, immigration officers, and interpreters, they begin to build empathy and a deeper understanding of the migrant experience,” said Ryan Bache, sixth grade social science teacher.

Characters are based on models of typical immigrants who may have entered the U.S. through Ellis Island from Europe. The characters come from various countries and have different backgrounds, family structures, socioeconomic statuses, and degrees of health.

After the simulation, which takes about 90 minutes, “Students build a level of empathy that cannot be gained by simply reading texts or watching videos,” says Mr. Bache.

In the reflections they write at the end of the simulation, students often express great pride in and understanding of how much immigrants were able to do with so little, says Mr. Bache.

Many of the immigrants portrayed carried very few personal possessions with them, and yet they built homes, families, and business, "Adding to the fabric of America," says Mr. Bache.

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