News at Buckley

New Trees Beautify Neighborhood

As a goodwill gesture to Buckley’s neighbors and anyone who cruises down Camino de la Cumbre, our Operations department planted seven Cajeput trees (melaleuca quinquenervia), a drought and pest-resistant evergreen species of the Myrtle family. The 20-foot trees will mature to 40-feet. They replaced a row of pines.
The pine bark beetle struck several trees along the western perimeter of campus, forcing Operations to remove them over the summer. Those in the Buckley community may have never noticed the trees, and it requires a pair of hiking boots to reach their location, up on the hill behind the new technology building.

As is the sad case with many old, venerable trees across Southern California, the drought left those on Buckley’s property vulnerable to the pest.
“We were not required to replace the trees, but we did so at the request of our Camino neighbors,” says Director of Operations Curtis Covington, "So far, everyone seems to like the new trees very much."

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